Flinders University
Flinders University engaged Pro AV Solutions for the design and fit out of their new Trading room in the Law and Commerce building. The purpose of this space was to provide students with a simulated financial trading centre to develop real-world skills.
The cutting-edge market simulation was designed and developed to enable students to access time-series data on security prices and exchange rates so they are able to simulate and execute trades in real time.
Key Technologies

Our Solutions
Entering the Trading Room you can’t help but first notice the huge 18 metre ASX stock ticker Dicolor LED display wrapped along the back wall showing the current live stock data, news feeds and simulations. Below the ticker is a series of collaborative touch-screen 65” UHD NEC Displays, allowing teachers and students to collaborate and share ideas in a hands-on small group learning environment.
Taking up almost the entire side wall near the teaching station, a large NEC “video wall” style display was deployed with the purpose of showing detailed data broken down clearly on large screens so all students can clearly see, while supportive data is shown on the smaller display screens.
Made up of a single 98” UHD display in the centre and surrounded by four 47” FHD displays this unique display option allows teachers to easily demonstrate simulations clearly for students. Powered by a Crestron 3-Serience Room Media Controller and Crestron NVX Digital Media Video-over-IP distribution system, teachers are easily able to manage and control the 4k60, 4:4:4 content to the video wall via the Crestron Touch 10” panel at the teaching station. The ticker feed is controlled through the PADS4 digital signage system which is easy to use and manage.
Shure handheld and lapel microphones are available in the room for teachers and students to properly simulate a Trading Room environment with Tannoy speakers placed optimally throughout the space for perfect coverage.