CSU Port Macquarie Paramedics Simulation Clinic
Charles Sturt University’s motto is “For the Public Good.” Charles Sturt understands the importance technology plays in advancing the skills of the future generation. This facility will be producing the next generation of Australians saving lives.
The Paramedics Simulation Lab is located on Charles Sturt University’s Port Macquarie Campus and is part of the School of Biomedical Sciences. This state-of-the-art facility focuses on real-time paramedic and emergency room simulations.
The project required an easy-to-operate recording/streaming solution that provides academics and students the ability to easily select a given zone within the facility and quickly start a real-life simulation. They also required a bulletproof solution for this facility with redundancy, as it is a heavily used space and relied upon by the teaching staff and students to work first time every time.
Key Technologies

Our Solutions
The project required an upgrade of the state-of-the-art Paramedics Simulation clinic. Charles Sturt engaged Pro AV to design and deploy the original Simulation clinic five years ago as part of the new campus build. The existing system had worked flawlessly for the five years it had been operational, but it was due for an upgrade to improve the operator’s experience and maintain the reliability of the system.
Pro AV Solutions worked closely with Charles Sturt to ensure the spaces get the latest technology to meet the demand of these heavily used spaces. The Simulation clinic consists of several unique spaces allowing academics to stream and record training sessions of their students.
The Paramedic Simulation Clinic consists of multiples breakout/training spaces and a large ward allowing for a variety of scenarios
that can be configured to represent home/office environments outdoor area for ambulance scenarios and a centralised control room catering for 5 separate events to be run simultaneously.
The Clinic systems were designed using the Epiphan Pearl2 which provides easy streaming and recording of the sessions. It allows the participants to select three sources (typically two cameras and the medical simulation from a PC) from a predetermined layout to preview, record and stream the session.
Large Smart displays replaced ultrashort through projectors providing vibrant accurate touch back of presented material.
Teachers and students have control camera positions and change the angles based on the simulation via Crestron 10” touch panels with live picture in picture preview on the panel.