Origin Energy
Origin Energy, one of Australia’s largest energy suppliers, has just relocated their Sydney and Brisbane offices. As part of the brief, Pro AV Solutions was commissioned to introduce new age workspace technologies that allowed for simplistic operation resulting in an exceptional user experience.
The solutions had to not only be designed to fit within the agile working culture of Origin, they also needed to be scalable enough to meet the standards of Origin’s future expansion plans.
Pro AV Solutions was assisted by global heavyweight and technological innovator Crestron Electronics, working in partnership to create a brief that captured the business’s functional requirements.
The aim of the client was to create an intuitive and pleasant user experience, while reaching new levels of innovation. Focusing on this end goal, the project revolved around the user experience and the role technology would play in this new work environment. The innovative and agile workplaces our NSW and QLD teams delivered, are ideal for the collaborative and connective environment Origin Energy were striving for Nationally.
Key Technologies

Our Solutions
Based off the brief, the Pro AV Solutions and Creston teams worked in unison to develop various designs specific to each space for the both sites. The spaces ranged from small collaborative, video conferencing and huddle spaces to large meeting and conferencing rooms.
With wireless presentation and collaboration solutions, the client can view, edit and comment on documents in real-time, share files and chat with individuals or groups via any device. This technology enables a face-to-face experience for meetings which facilitates staff and guests’ real-time information sharing and collaborative working. Video conferencing is a major part of Origin’s technological roadmap, which gives personnel the opportunity to communicate effectively between regional and metropolitan sites.
The expansion and standardisation of video conferencing technology allows for an effective ROI, due to the reduction in travel costs.
Additionally, the collaborative technology integrated into the range of spaces allows viewing, annotating and editing of presented content in real-time.
A significant improvement to the user experience was the introduction of wireless connectivity which enables very simple “connect and display” functionality. Digital signage upgrades have allowed Origin to consistently promote their marketing material within both premises, as well as health and well-being material for their staff. A system induction and training day for the Origin staff following the completion of the projects ensured that their users felt comfortable with the new technology introduced in the workplace.
With the Sydney fit-out taking place following the completion of the Brisbane project, uniformity between the sites was crucial. Having the same touch and feel in every space was critical to the user interface design as it would heavily impact the user experience in each space. The design and integration of the 63 spaces in Sydney were all standardised based on the original fit-out in Brisbane.
Transparency between sites and sharing all key information was critical to this project.
Giving the key Origin’ stakeholders access to the Project Planning portal meant that they had exposure to the entire project process and felt comfortable with the roll-out across two sites consecutively.
By identifying the key requirements at the very beginning, we ensured that the user’s expectations had been captured correctly.
Pro AV Solutions were then able to deliver a best-in-class National project that was standardised across two sites and simple for the end user. Judging from the key stakeholders’ feedback, the execution of the project was “top class”.